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Requirements for Robert Cook Hall Of Fame
(Taken directly from the Water-Oak Circle of Sports By-Laws)


Section 1 – Robert Cook Hall of Fame

A. Requirements

1. There will be no age, residency, or gender requirements to be eligible for nomination.

2. The Robert Cook Hall of Fame shall be open to any past or present employee of the Watertown Board of Education (i.e. – coach, teacher, administrator, etc.) who is/was employed with the school system for a minimum ten (10) years (which may not have been consecutive) and any student athlete at Watertown High School or graduate from Watertown High School whose athletic prowess has earned him/her high athletic honors beyond high school.


B. Nomination Procedure

1. The nomination(s) to the Hall of Fame will be made at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Hall of Fame Committee.

2. The Hall of Fame Committee will be appointed by the President.

3. After the conclusion of nominations the Hall of Fame Committee will review and select possible candidates for the Robert Cook Hall of Fame.  The presentation of names to be considered by the body of the Circle will be made at a regularly scheduled meeting.

4. There is no restriction on the number of candidates that can be nominated; however, only one nominee will be presented to the membership for voting.

5. Hall of Fame candidates will be voted on by the members in good standing at a regularly scheduled meeting.  A simple majority will determine the outcome.

6. Induction will be at the discretion of the Board.

7. Nominations must be submitted each year.  Nominations will not be carried over from previous years.


C. Induction Procedure

1. Induction at the request of the Water-Oak Circle of Sports will be held at a location determined by the Board

2. The Water-Oak Circle of Sports will issue invitations to all inductees, their families, friends, school administrators and town officials.


Section 2 – Watertown High School Coaches Milestone

A. Requirements

1. Wins must be accomplished at Watertown High School

2. Coach must achieve victories 10x the regular season schedule as established by the CIAC.

# Regular Season Games    # Victories Required

                 10                                   100

                 15                                   150

                 20                                   200


* * * Serving the Watertown-Oakville Athletic Community Since 1977 * * *

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